
Frequently asked questions

We have answered the most common question that we get asked from our clients and website visitors. And if you didn’t find the answers you were looking for, please send us your questions by visiting our contact page by clicking the button below.

My English is not good, and I am not sure how to place my order. Can you help?

If you have questions about how to place your order, you can contact us. One of our Customer Relationship Specialists will be happy to answer your questions. Or, you can talk to us through Chat if we’re available. Just click on the Chat box in the bottom corner.

What if I'm not satisfied with the work that was done?

At Accuracy, we strive for customer satisfaction. You can provide feedback directly to us or you can get in touch with us using the Contact Us page, and we will look into your issue immediately.

If I have software-translated my document into English, can you edit it?

The problem with translation software is that it simply translates words and does not understand what you’re trying to say, so these translations sometimes do not make sense. As a policy at Accuracy, we do not edit machine-translated documents.

What are your business hours?

Our website is open for orders 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Our editing professionals are on duty 24/7. Our administrative staff is available between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. GST (GMT+ 5); we generally answer all emails within 24 hours, if not sooner.

I submitted an MS Word file, and I have my document back, but I can't see what you have changed. Why is this?

It may be that you have the “Show Markup” feature turned off. If you are using MS Word 2010, 2013, or 2016, click on the Review tab. In the section named “Tracking,” there are three drop-down menus—they’re to the right of the button named “Tracked Changes.” Click on the top one. Choose All Markup

Then, click the Show Markup menu to make sure all the markup options are checked, including “Insertions and Deletions.”

If you are using Word 2007/Office XP, click on the tab named Review. In the section named “Tracking,” there are three drop-down menus—they’re to the right of the button named “Balloons.” Click on the top one. Choose Final Showing Markup.

I submitted an MS Word file, and now I have all your revisions and suggestions highlighted in red. How do I include these changes quickly?

For MS Word files (.doc and .docx), we use the Track Changes and the Comments features. You can access the Track Changes and Comments tools by clicking on the Review tab.

You can use the tools on the Review tab to Accept or Reject changes one by one, or you can Accept or Reject the changes all at once. 

You can also delete the comments with the Review tab.

Right-clicking on a comment balloon also brings up a Delete Comment function in the fly-out menu.

Can you check my calculations?

Your editor can ensure the consistent formatting of formulas and can revise the language that introduces such formulas and calculations to ensure that the work is presented clearly, but unfortunately reviewing the correctness of the actual formulas is beyond the scope of the service. If there is any uncertainty about your calculations, they should be checked by top experts and peers in your chosen field.

My target journal needs a proof that the paper has been professionally edited. Can you provide the proof?

If you’ve had an order completed by Accuracy, the Accuracy invoice can be used as proof of editing, as it has been designed to provide the necessary information for proof of editing. However, if you require something more specific, we can provide you with a certificate indicating that your work has been edited by Accuracy. Just contact us and let us know what you require.

If I give you an outline, will you write the paper for me?

Sorry, we cannot write the text for you. We will edit, proofread, and help you improve what you have written, but we need a written draft of your paper (either the full paper or a section of it) to proofread and edit.

What are your credentials? Is your company qualified to handle my manuscript?

Accuracy is a quality-driven and customer-centric organization. With our team of highly experienced editors, our global reach is extensive and we have experts in every major field. Our testing process is extensive and thorough to ensure that all candidates have been thoroughly vetted and have the necessary skills and experience to excel. A typical Accuracy editor has two or more degrees, at least 5 years of professional experience.

My documents are private and personal

Your documents are never stored online and can only be downloaded from our secure servers. Only Accuracy employees and editors have password access to our order system, and they are required to sign a confidentiality agreement. Accuracy uses 256-bit SSL or higher encryption for communications between your computer and our site. Please be assured that we never sell or trade your personal information.

I'm concerned about copyright. No one will be able to take my ideas,will they?

Absolutely not. Accuracy and its editors make no claim on your copyright, and we don’t require credit, acknowledgment, or anything else beyond the fees for the services we render. Your work is safe on our secure, encrypted system, and no one outside of Scribendi will ever be able to access your work.

I've got a really big manuscript and can't afford to have the whole thing done at once. Can I send it in sections? Can I have the same editor work on it all the way through?

Yes! You can send in your work in as many sections as you like—just make note of the editor’s code when the first order is returned so that you can use this code to request this editor on your subsequent orders. This will send the manuscript directly to your preferred editor. If they are available, they can work on each section of your manuscript.

Can I talk to my editor?

If you have questions after we’ve done some work for you, a customer service representative will be happy to relay your comments and queries to your editor and then send the answers back to you.

What are your payment options?

Our preferred method of payment is via credit card: we accept Bank transfer, Visa, MasterCard. We also accept Maestro cards through PayPal, as well as PayPal payments. For customers in China, we accept Alipay. Registered retail customers and corporate/government/organizational clients can arrange payments via ACH or wire transfer.

Do you have a minimum order size?

There is no minimum order size, but we do have a minimum charge of 15 USD to cover administrative costs. If you have several small documents, you might consider putting them all in one order to get the best value for your dollar.

What are our options if we need a customized service?

We’re always happy to work with companies or institutions to find a solution to specific editing or language needs. If you are interested in potential options for a customized service, please consider contacting us directly. We can provide an adaptable editing service to meet the unique requirements of your business.

We're considering using your firm to outsource our editorial and language needs. Do you do B2B work?

We are always interested in B2B opportunities. We are always excited about new opportunities. We are always looking for new projects and welcome the opportunity to talk with you about how best we can meet your needs. We are actively seeking new partnership opportunities, so we would love to hear from you if you see the possibility of a shared opportunity. Please contact us directly and we will be happy to help you.

Can you edit documents based on our internal style guide?

Yes, we can apply your internal style guide when editing. Just send us all the necessary information and our editors will make sure that the style guidelines are carefully applied throughout your document. In addition, we can also apply any of the standard academic or professional style guides.

How do I convert my webpages into Word files?

If you want to convert a webpage to a Word file, you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Open the webpage that you want to convert, and then open the menu in your browser; click Save as; select the .htm or .html file format, select where you want to save the document on your computer (for example, in your Documents folder), and click Save.
  2. In Word, click File > Open; navigate to the saved .htm or .html file and select it; click Open.
  3. The webpage will open in Word; click File > Save As; select where you want to save the document (for example, in your Documents folder); in the dropdown menu for Save as type, select Word Document; click Save.

Your webpage has now been saved as a Word document (.doc or .docx), and you now have a file that can be edited.