
Welcome to Accuracy

We are a global team of curriculum and learning designers, content writers, editors and translators who believe in simplifying your words in order to amplify your message. In today’s overtly online world, we work with you to tailor your content to your audiences’ needs and optimise it for performance to ensure sustainable success. All we need from you is your ideas’ blueprint, which our team of specialists will bring to life. 

Who Are We?

We are a full-service content and design house. Our team of seasoned writers, editors, translators and designers specialise in crafting compelling content for your diverse needs and designing online platforms to make sure that your content gets the right amount of traction and visibility.


We follow an agile model that enables us to collaborate with you at every step of the project to co-create the final product. We find this to be the most effective way of doing things because you are always aware of what the end product will look like because co-create to transform your vision into reality.

Strategic Content Writing

⦿ 100% original creative and technical content tailored to your needs 
⦿ Effective redesigning of existing content to cater to a dynamic online presence
⦿ Localising or globalising your content to match your target audience

Learning Experience & Curriculum Design

⦿ End-to-end training curriculum development for educators and corporates for inclusive and immersive learning experiences 
⦿ Leveraging industry-specific authoring tools for targeted outputs
⦿ Using learning analytics to derive insights

Comprehensive editing services

⦿ Dual-editor approach for precision editing 
⦿ Unlimited Q&A support via email 
⦿ Free add-ons such as Cover Letter to aid publishing

Web development & digital marketing

⦿ End-to-end website and mobile app design and development 
⦿ Targeted digital marketing activities for increased brand traction and sales
⦿ Co-creating with the client to bring their vision to life

Abhay - CEO of Accuracy


I am a firm believer in the adage ‘The harder your work, the luckier you get.’ Accuracy is the brainchild of my core team whose aspirations, dreams and brilliant ideas have culminated into an organization that I can confidently say is helping the world bridge communication gaps through words. Like any other leader, I have had to bolster my team’s confidence when faced with a new or previously unexplored area of growth. However, at the back of my mind, I have always had utmost faith in them and the zeal of excellence each one of them embodies. I am very proud to be working alongside driven people who always endeavor to deliver the highest quality output to our customers.

My vision for Accuracy is that we consistently deliver great content and design solutions for our customers to suit their unique needs. In today’s digital-first world, Accuracy’s human-powered team is committed to create a healthy ecosystem of collaborative work with our customers to help bring their ideas to life. Our aim is to empower our customers to share their intended message through their content to their desired audience in the most effortless and time-efficient manner. 

500 +
Papers edited
100000 +
New words created
200 +
Pages Translated
Locations serviced

Who do we serve